Cold Waves presents...

Front 242 – Blackout: The Final Shows 

with special guest Kanga

Saturday, November 16
Doors: 7pm // Show: 8pm
$42 Advance / $50 Day of

Saturday, November 16 
Cold Waves presents…
Front 242 – Blackout: The Final Shows 
with special guest Kanga
$42 Adv. / $50 Day of / 18+ / Doors: 7pm / Show: 8pm 

“It is with a heavy mix of emotion that we close this great adventure, some 40 years in the making,” say Patrick, Richard and Lean Juc, the bands core members. “We realize that ending our journey at this time, when we are still vibrant and full of energy is how the band should be remembered. We are excited to share these meaningful final performances with our wonderful fans who have been with us through it all.”

Dates stretch across the globe from September through December of 2024, with final US performances taking place in their second home of Chicago, November 15 and 16. The final Front 242 concerts will be in their hometown of Brussels, Belgium in January 2025. 

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